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11+ and School Entrance Examinations

Your Personalised 11+ and School Entrance Examination Preparation and Planning

Lottie's formula for success in the 11+ and School Entrance Examinations helps your child grow in confidence and improve results by applying a concerted effort in the weaker subjects whilst at all times reinforcing the stronger ones.

11+ Norfolk Lottie Gaberle Top School Tutoring Lotte Gaberle

Planning for 11+- 1 Year look-ahead

The best time to start planning for an examination is a year in advance. 11+ in particular usually comes as a different challenge to the children. It is important for the child to understand the different approach that is needed, to grow confident and get a sense of feeling for the style and mechanics of how to solve these types of problems.

11+ Verbal Reasoning- Grammar, synonyms, antonyms, etc.
Extensive preparation on enlarging vocabulary, using among other things crossword puzzles, synonym/antonym challenges, wordsearches and practicing tenses, suffixes and prefixes. Even in verbal reasoning, some mathematics is needed.

11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning- Logic puzzles

Practicing spacial awareness and preparing the child to conduct mental gymnastics with geometric shapes, symmetry, rotation and recognising patterns and similarities.

School Entrance Examination- A step up from SATs

Each school has its own examination papers. Usually there is a much stronger emphasis on the ability to write good English because the children are asked to write on a theme in addition to a grammar and reading comprehension paper.

Written Assessments- Good English

Concentration on written English, reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary. Understanding how to answer certain types of question - reasoning, arguing, finding evidence.


Mathematis Assessments- Improving Mathematical fluency

Numeracy, arithemetic, geometry, fractions, the whole mathematics syllabus up to Year 6. Often in School  Entrance Examinations the questions are worded differently to that which the children are accustomed to. Vocabulary is as important as calculation.

One-to-One Test Preparation
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